Friday, September 19, 2008

2 weeks to go!

Ieri sera era la prima volta che mi sono sentita triste qui. Zii ho provato a chiamarvi verso le 8 ma per qualche motivo non funzionava?? Uffi. Riprovo piu' tardi.. Zia ti penso tanto :)

They took my Jude Law off the advertising posts a couple of days ago. Replaced him with some half-good looking man.. pfft.Oh I was cast in the annual Panto! I'm happy, the play is Aladdin which I'm not very familiar with, I am the Princess Balroubadour, the 'fiesty and rebellious daughter of the emperor' according to the director Steve, who Aladdin falls in love with. Should be lots of fun!

Quiet weekend ahead I think, apart from a leaving party for one of the guys, will be enjoying lots of cultural experiences around the city, probably will also go see a play at the theatre :)

Bon weekend / have a good weekend / buon fine settima!


Anonymous said...

Hey u,
Only two weeks left on the language exchange???? How many weeks till u head back to oz?

Elena said...

hey ils, im in italy only about 10 days and get back to australia on the 13th. what about you??