Thursday, October 2, 2008

Autumn has almost come!

I'm afraid I'm going to get corrected by Carolyn for the spelling of this specific season but I honestly can't remember if it's written like that in English?!
So please refer to the picture on the side (I've uploaded a few!), tell me if it's not beautiful! I say autumn's almost come because today the weather was really nice, quite hot even, but you walk through parts of town where the walk paths are covered by brown and yellow leaves.. the park I took the picture at is one I cross on my way to school, so this morning's lack of bright sunshine made it even better. Plus there's lots of benches, a big fountain, and flower beds: it's very picture-perfect.

Anyway that's enough poetry for a while.. back to emotive journalism please. About two hours ago I consumed the world's biggest kebab, I can still feel it. Quite delicious but in fact in two more hours I'm going for a pizza with Madame Andre and Melanie, hopefully it'll be half digested by then. Tonight being my second last night Mel and I will go out and celebrate a little. Tomorrow night we want to go ice-skating, there's a place just next to the school and I've never tried it!

In the last few days I've taken a lot of photos of pretty places in Chamber, just for souvenirs. I'm going now, have a date on the phone with a special Australian friend ;)

Zii a presto! Ci vediamo all'aereoporto no?? Ugo m´ha chiesto se doveva venire a prendermi, ho detto che non e' necessario.. se nessuno puo' posso sempre venire a piedi... basta che seguo l'autostrada no? ho un bel paio di scarpe da ginnastica...


Anonymous said...

hey, yep thats the right spelling! (well english anyway!) its really nice here in ljubljana too, all autumn leaves everywhere and the trees great colours! okay that was all really bad english but im buggered and its late!

The HoJo's said...

Autumn is fine, the spelling above the picture is a little unusal, but the picture is lovely :o)

Elena said...

yeah i feel better about my strange spelling after reading that sentence ils :p

The HoJo's said...

benvenuto di nuovo all'Italia
(now you can be rude about my Italian :o)
