Thursday, July 31, 2008

off to the beach

I won't be on for a couple of days as we're leaving town. 'we' is my auntie, cousin and I, who will soon be joined by my uncle and my parentals.

Lately my patience with strangers here has been extremely limited. Let me explain. This town isn't that much bigger than Busselton. People talk like crazy, my grandma in particular (she has not yet gotten over the fact that we left her..). So during the past week, I have had A BILLION nosey strangers want to meet me and give me a cheesy smile, looking at me as if I were a strange, foreign specimen, and daring to ask me if I understood Italian!! It's annoying me, now when we happen to be in big crowds and my family start talking to someone I don't recognise I slowly move away, to avoid having to recount for the hundreth time how YES, I speak Italian, and YES I'm happy to be here, and YES I'm quite happy living in Australia... and then some go on asking about what I'm doing with my life, and there I start again.. grrr.. I mean if they are friends, I understand and I'm happy to explain, but curious 80-yr-old women dressed in black in the middle of summer who whine at me: doyouremembermeeeeeeeeeee?? kind of get on my nerves.

But anyway. Yesterday we did some more shopping, had some friends visit, and went to see an exhibition my cousin was part of. The humidity went down a tiny bit so beach should be nice. It will be good to compare Italian beaches with the ones in Australia. I will try not to step on too many people. I'm thinking of getting a second ear piercing. Yes?

Oki doki george :) have a good rest of the week!

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