Saturday, August 16, 2008

just a quick note

Because time on this computer flies and I'm about to head out again!
Yesterday was Ferragosto, August 15th. It is a public holiday and, being the peak of summer, everyone usually goes on holiday somewhere, even if it's only for a few days. Two things were a bit different this year; due to a general economic depression, less people were on holidays, and it bloody hailed! In the afternoon, a storm came for a half hour or so to take the humidity away. Grazie! Anyway, I also found out that Ferragosto comes from the Ancient Roman times when Augusto was Emperor. Ferragosto = FERie di AGOSTO, or holidays of August. So initially Romans took most if not all of the month of August as holidays. And Augusto was also responsible for the naming of this month!
Anyway we didn't do much on this day, just went to the markets and had a few people over for lunch and in the afternoon. Today we visited people again and will go out for a pizza with my friend and her family. Should be nice.
Hmmm perfect time and temperature for a siesta, off I go :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shizzle! Its hailing! I better pack some thermals...I like this idea of siesta!