Friday, September 12, 2008

this morning I got drenched.

The end of the week has come, accompanied unfortunately by some rain!
Last night Madame Andre had gone out for the evening with her sons, she's incredibly available and gives me free use of her kitchen and food, so I helped myself to some camemberg, a chocolatey dessert, some quiche... the good life. It's nice to be alone every now and then, apart from my blogging times it doesn't happen. I received a nice phonecall from my family in Italy and went to bed early :)

This morning in school we learnt about the old french colonies, aka les Pays Francophonies. Learnt of the project Medicines Sans Frontier, where people (with experience or ability in medicine) spend a period of time in a third world country to help with local issues. You get paid peanuts, but it would be an awesome experience I could reconsider after finishing University. The people accepted are aged between 25 and 35 so it would be perfect. Six months to a year for a start? Speaking french would also be handy if it is in one of the old colonies in North-Centre Africa.

ps. asking around I found a Creperie in Chambery! I have 'booked' it for Sunday breakfast :D

1 comment:

The HoJo's said...

The only knowledge of MSF I have is from films, where they end up in some war torn/drought ridden area. I would sit and cry at all the homeless babies and be no use at all!